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Mind-Body Interaction & Psycho immunology online course

The ancients believed that the key to wholeness and healing lay in the mental Image. In order to induce formation of the mental image, it is necessary to go into a meditative state Mind-body interaction correspondence coursewhich turns of the thinker. When the left hemisphere is at rest or in alpha, it is possible to reprogram the "Brain Computer" by means of the conscious image of the healthy state and the necessary image will be transmitted holographically and reproduced in the matter of the Body.. This image is the junction point of the four aspects of human psychic experience: totality, male and female, conscious, unconscious. "... the simpler our picture of the external world, and the more facts it embraces, the stronger it reflects in our Mind the Harmony of the Universe".

(A. Einstein )

Mind-Body Interaction & Psychoimmunology

1. Why Mind and Body Interaction is so Important?

2. Mind-Body Interaction

3. Physiology and Biochemistry of Endocrine System:

Energy Balance and Metabolism

The Thyroid Gland

Pancreas and Carbohydrate Metabolism

The Adrenal Medulla and Adrenal Cortex

Calcium Metabolism and Bones

The Pituitary Gland

The Gonads

Other Endocrine Systems

4. Endocrine Glands and Energetic Centers

5. Physiology of Immune System

6. Emotional, Endocrine and Immune Balancing

7. Attitudes and Immunology

8. Personal Power and Vitality

9. Intuitive Activation Techniques

Supportive Study Material:
"Immunoimaginery: Understanding Psychoimmunology", Two Video's, One Audiotape and One Guidebook
"Powerful Immune System", Video "Gerson Therapy: Regeneration for the Body's Immune System", Video (2 hrs.)