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Ayurvedic Medicine online correspondence course

Ayurveda or science of Life in Sanskrit, is a health system from India dating back about 3,000 years. As in traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic philosophy is a holistic one, based on restoring balance in an individual's energy systems. Ayurveda recognizes five categories of elements: ether (vibration), fire (heat, color), water (liquids), air (all gas-like substances) and earth (solids, such as bones), all of which are reflected in the human body.

The Ayurvedic Practitioner begins by evaluating a person's Health and physical makeup, and classifies the metabolic body type. Individuals are classified into three basic types, each with a set of distinguishing characteristics eg. vata (thin), pitta (medium build) and kapha (heavy set). Diagnostic Techniques usually involve observation of the tongue, pulse, eyes and nails. Treatments can include remedies prepared from herbs, minerals and vegetables, as well as massage and exercise (such as Yoga). Ayurvedic practitioners also give advice on nutrition and diet. Ayurvedic Medicine is beneficial for those suffering from a broad range of health Problems, including Heart disease and chronic illness, such as arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, allergies and liver Problems. As well, Ayurveda is considered helpful for maintaining good Health.

Ayurvedic Medicine correspondence course

  • 1. What is Ayurveda?
  • 2. The History and Philosophy of Ayurveda:
  • Ayurveda and Human Potential
  • Ayurveda, Yoga and Tantra
  • Ayurveda and the western Mind
  • 3. Man as Microcosm. The senses
  • 4. The Human Constitution. Understanding Tridosha:
  • Determining the individual Constitution: Vata; Pitta; Kapha. Mental Constitution
  • 5. Disease Process:
  • Disease Classification and Proneness
  • Key to health or Disease - "Agni"
  • The three Malas. The seven Dhatus
  • 6. Diagnosis: Examination of the Radial Pulse; tongue Diagnosis; facial Diagnosis; Lip Diagnosis; Nail Diagnosis; Eye Diagnosis
  • 7. Treatment Procedure:
  • Emotional release
  • The Pancha Karma: therapeutic vomiting, purgatives, enema, nasal administration, blood-letting
  • Palliation
  • 8. Ayurvedic Massage:
  • Massage Oils, their types and properties
  • Preparation for the Massage
  • Classification of Marmas
  • Massage Techniques: Full Body Massage
  • Therapeutic Massage: Conditions and Methods for treatment
  • 9. Diet: fasting and vitamins
  • 10. Taste: Rasa, Virya and Vipak
  • 11. Time, Astrology and Human Life
  • 12. Longevity: Yoga, breathing and Meditation
  • 13. Medicinals: The Kitchen Pharmacy, metals
  • 14. Gems, stones and Color Therapy: calendar of birth stones and uses of gems
  • 15. Food antidotes XVI. First aid treatments
  • Supportive Study Materials:
    "Practical Ayurveda: Secrets for Physical, Sexual & Spiritual Health", book by Atreya and D. Frawley
    Wall Chart of Marmas and their Positions in the Human body
    "Ayurveda-Ancient Way to healing", Video