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Vibrational Flower Medicine online Correspondence courses

Doctor Edward Bach was an English Physician who concluded from studies of his Patients that negative Emotions could lead to Physical Illness. He proved that Flowers possessed healing properties, which could be used to treat emotional Problems and restore Health and harmony to mind and body. An extension of his work, Dr. Richard Katz added that flower Essences contain "Vibration's of the Sun's Energy", absorbed by the petals of flowers infused in Sun-warmed water. Flower Essences therapy is today very popular around the World and is often taken during times of Emotional Stress or Crisis.

Vibrational Flower Medicine

1. The History of Flower Medicine: Paracelsus, Von Goethe,

2. What is the Flower Essences and their Difference from Essential Oils. Bach Flower Medicine

3. The Human Energy and Therapeutic Mechanism of Flower Essences

4. Preparing and Using of Flower Essences

5. The Materia Medica. Using of Particular Flower Essences for Different Ailments: Yarrow, Garlic, Chamomile,Sea Anemone, Menzies Banksia, Borage, Bougainvillea, Wild Oat, Fairy Duster, She Oak ,Clematis, Crowea, Dampiera, Bleeding Heart, Fireweed, Silver Princess,Ash, Bush Gardenia, Sticky Geranium, Rock Rose, Sunflower, St. John's Wort, Holly, Impatiens, Walnut,Larch,Honesty, Black Kangaroo Paw, Macrozamia, Madia, Apple, Crab Apple, Evening Primrose, Olive, Star of Bethlehem, Himalayan Slipper Orchid, Self-Heal, Cherry Plum, Oak, Wild Rose, Wild Potato Bush, Lilac, Dandelion, Thyme, Valerian, Mullein, Amazon Waterlily, Zinnia, etc.

  • 6. The Relationship of Flower Essences to Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine and Gemstone Therapy
  • 7. Effect of Flower Essences on Major and Minor Chakras, Psychological States, Cellular Level, Subtle Bodies and twelve Rays
  • 8. Bach Flower Therapy and Body Zones. Dr. D. Kramer's Bach Flower Body Maps.
  • 9. Amplification and Diagnostic Techniques
  • 10. Trends in Using Flower Essences
  • 11. South-African Flower Essences
  • 12. Australian Bush and Flower Essences
  • 13. Alaskan's Flower Essences
  • 14. Desert Flower Essences
  • 15. Cross Reference Tables